Anonymous asked a question to Ethan N.
Category: Career progression
Date asked: Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Last reviewed: Thursday, March 9, 2023
Ethan N.
Software Developer
For a developer, there are a few things that contribute to being successful in the role.
The biggest one is your capacity to learn. Whether it's from reading documentation, or learning from mistakes, consistently improving your skillset is definitely a key to being successful.
The other big thing, in my experience, is to be able to work collaboratively to get things done. Since most roles will involve working on projects that are too big for one person to complete on their own, being able to continuously deliver work while cooperating with other people is a must for success.
Finally, the typical things you'd expect fill out the rest: Being able to complete work you're given, know when to ask for help (which ties into my point above), sharing and documenting your knowledge, and solve problems in maintainable ways
Thursday, March 9, 2023
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