Describe some challenges that you face in your current role?
Anonymous asked a question to Ethan N.
Category: Role challenge
Date asked: Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Last reviewed: Thursday, December 7, 2023
Ethan N.
Software Developer
Some of the key challenges I face involve the breadth of the product we work on. I'll regularly work on a support case for a client in one technology, then immediately start on adding something to the codebase using something completely different.(e.g. fixing an issue in the legacy code base, then uplifting our cloud infrastructure).
I'll also perform my main developer duties while helping organise events or presentations, creating a wide range of tasks I need to complete.
This means I need to keep up with a variety of skills and need to manage my time effectively and switch context efficiently, which are hard but incredibly useful tools to learn.
Thursday, December 7, 2023